Growing up as a military enthusiast and making models since the age of 10 my favorite tank to play with and model was the M60 MBT. The model I wanted to build the most at a very young age was the way to expensive for the time Tamiya M60 A1, A2, and/or A3. I could never afford the Tamiya brand models. They were the Cadillac of models and untouchable. I was left with Revell, Monogram, MPC, AMT, etc. Occasionally for a special occasions my parents might purchase one as a gift but there were only a few occasions when this happen. So now that I am a big boy I build what I want, or at least the purchase of a Tamiya tank is more reasonable. This M60A3 was one of those little gems I so yearned for. The funny thing is this kit, built about 10 years ago, is still the same kit that filled the hobby store shelves when I was a kid. It can still hold it own with the much more modern kits and is still considered one of the better M60 kits on the market, and not long ago the only one on the shelve.
So I built this kit approximately 10 years ago and was the first time I used an airbrush to finish it and apply multi-camo design. I believe I have worked on it a bit since then applying a little more weathering and rusting the tracks a bit. But other then that a fairly straight forward build out of the box (OOB). No unique challenges, good fit, great engineering, and small part count yet still making for an accurate detailed recreation the this great tank. I almost forgot I had this tank and re-discovered it when looking through my model storage area. i almost purchased the kit recently again because I wanted to build a cool M60. I did end of getting the newer Tamiya M60 with the reactive armor also pictured on this site. Hope you enjoy.