Tamiya 1/35 M40 Self Propelled Howitzer

This is one of TAMIYA's latest releases and it is one of the best as it relates to value, engineering, detail, extras, and overall appearance.  Yes, it is a kit with a retail cost of apx. $70 but in this market that is about average for many complex kits.  The difference is what this kit brings for that same price is a very highly detailed, and accurate 7-figure crew set which assemble perfectly to man, and crew this beast in an action pose.  Usally action poses for figures are a challenge for me due to the wide range of poses and limb positions available to match an exact action or kit part.  The Limb attachments are never exact and its a trial and error affair.  Not with this kit.  There are actually small stubs and tabs which help greatly in doing this without the need for the constant trials and dry fitting.  I got it right the 1st time I glued it without a lot of dry fitting if any at all.  This kit also includes chains, 2 types of thread, fine wire for assembly, bolts, screws to allow full movement of the cannon and photo-etch.  Not only do the latter items add value but the real value comes from the extraordinary engineering found in this kit.  It provides for awesome detail and appearance yet simple engineering design to facilitate ease of assembly.  The most difficult parts are related to the assembly of the tiny pulley system which must be flexible in order to complete the pulley winch system needed to complete the rear platform extend and retract systems.


Assembly is straight forward with no real "curve balls" thrown in your direction.  I did purchase the additional "add-on" kit marketed by Tamiya to accompany this exact kit.  It provides a beautiful turned barrel with rifling and addition brass shells with decals.  You do not need this additional kit, and cost, by any means, but it was so beautifully engineered that i could not resist.  The look down the barrel is awesome when you notice the fine barrel rifling.  The shells have a natural brass appearance at the tip due to the use of liquid mask to allow for this to show through following spray painting.  The color of the shell tips should be silver or dark metal but what the heck...I loved the look of real metal.  


Overall, I completed this kit during a lull in my model building during a slump were I just did not want to build models.  I believe I got carried away and burnt myself out becoming overly "picky" in the build process, over scratch building, excessive air-brushing, research, etc.  I lost the fun.  So this kit was chosen to help me get back into it and enjoy the whole process from beginning to end.  This kit accomplished that and more.  I did not build anything in addition to what is provided except for a few wood sticks to stack the additional shells on.  I never took out the airbrush but invested in the pricey cost of Tamiya spray cans, needing 2 cans of Olive Drab 2 and Tamiya grey primer.  All the weathering was accomplished with brush work using mostly filters, dry brushing and washes of various types.  I used some Model Masters sprays on the tracks with additional pigment and liquid washes of various brands and types.  As mentioned before the perfect fit, and minimal part count really added to the overall enjoyment and I broke a record regarding build time.  I built this whole project including 7 painted figures in a little over 2-weeks.  That is fast for me, as compared to my usual several month time frame to complete similar projects.


I cannot recommend this kit enough; you must build it to truly appreciate it.   Overall I think it is a cool looking piece of armor capturing the best of tracked vehicles and weapon builds.  I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed building it!  Tamiya keep it coming you saved my modeling hobby!